Installation & Configuration


npm install mockae

-- or clone repo
git clone
npm install


Create a db.json file

"products": [
"id": 1, "name": "T-shirt", "price": 19.99
"id": 2, "name": "Jeans", "price": 49.99
"users": [
"id": 1, "username": "johndoe", "email": ""
"id": 2, "username": "janedoe", "email": ""

In this example, you have created 2 resources: "products" and "users" (2 objects for each resource).

Create a rules.lua file

if request.method() == "POST" and request.pathname() == "/users" then
    response.send('{' .. 
                  '"error":"Bad Request",\n' ..
                  '"message":"Missing required field: email"' ..
    return response.exit()

With these rules, when calling the creation of a "users" a 400 error is returned.

Start the REST API service

$ npm start

Here you go, you now have a REST API accessible locally:

curl http://localhost:3000/products/1

Custom rules

Custom rules are Lua code that allow you to modify the behavior of the fake REST API. With custom rules, you can set conditions based on the request (such as HTTP method, headers, and payload) and define the response (including HTTP status code and payload). This enables you to tailor the API's behavior to suit specific testing and development scenarios.

The Request and Response objects are provided to define the rules.


The Request object is used to represent the request data.


request.header(name)Returns the header `name`
request.method()Returns the HTTP method ('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE')
request.url()Returns the pathname of the URL (e.g., /users/23).    Returns the resource ID
request.resource()    Returns the resource
request.payload(name)    Returns the attribute of the payload object with the name specified in `name`


The Response object is used to update the response, including the HTTP status, headers, and payload.


response.status(status)Sets the HTTP status (e.g., 200, 404, etc.)
response.send(payload)Sets the response payload
response.header(name, value)Sets the header name to value.
response.exit()    Stops the standard execution of the API (No action or resource loading will be performed)


The REST API handles different HTTP methods for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting resources.


GET/productsReturns all products
GET/products/23Returns the product with ID 23
POST/productsCreate a new product
GET/products/23Returns the product with ID 23
PUT/products/23Update the product with ID 23
PATCH/products/23Update partially the product with ID 23
DELETE/products/23Delete the product with ID 23

Public API: No updates will be performed for POST / PUT / PATCH and DELETE